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3rd International Conference on
Music Information Retrieval
IRCAM – Centre
Paris, France
October 13-17, 2002
versions of the tutorial handouts, as well as of the proceedings can be
ordered here.
optional 3-hour long tutorials on state-of-the-art aspects of music
information retrieval will be offered on the afternoon of Sunday October 13.
Tutorial I: Digital Music
Representations, by Geoffroy Peeters and Gérard Assayag
This tutorial will present state of the art representation
schemes (formats, protocols, algorithms,
environments) used in computer storage,
search, transfer and production of music
in the
broad sense of the word.
Established and proposed standards for file formats, database
metadata, protocols, markup languages will be presented and discussed
as well as emerging ideas on dynamic representation schemes
in relation with interactivity.
Representations will be discussed according
to their relative efficiency/expressivity
and their adaptation to different kind of applications. [See full description: Word, PDF]
Tutorial II: Music
Information Retrieval for Audio Signals, by George Tzanetakis
The main objective of this tutorial is to
provide an overview of the current status of music information retrieval
(MIR) for audio signals. The intended audience are people with a technical
background who are interested to learn the main approaches and current status
of MIR for audio signals. An important part of the intended audience would
consist of researchers who have a background in symbolic MIR and/or
musicology and music cognition and are interested to learn more about the
similarities/differences of audio MIR to their respective fields.
Demonstrations of several of the described algorithms and techniques will be
part of the tutorial presentation. [See full description: Word, PDF]
III: Modern Methods for Statistical Audio
Signal Processing and Characterization, by Shlomo Dubnov
Musical signals contain many types of information, such as
information about the sound color or texture, information about the type of
the playing instrument(s), the notes being played, musical patterns and
repetition structure, the style or mood of the musical piece and many more.
In order to characterize, process or retrieve these different types of
knowledge, many specific descriptors are proposed for each task and problem.
In this workshop we will attempt to provide a unifying view of these problems
in the context statistical data analysis and modeling. Our approach links the
questions of signal modeling/representation to the question of information
contents of the signal, extending it beyond linear models to non-Gaussian and
non-linear signals and systems.
a review of basic spectral estimation and signal modeling methods, we shall
consider the role of information theory in problems of signal
characterization, compression and classification. Geometric signal modeling
is described by means of a low rank signal modeling approach. Higher Order
Statistical (HOS) analysis is presented for problems of non-Gaussian and non-Linear
signal analysis and is related to improved estimation of the information /
entropy of such signals. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is considered
in the context of modeling natural sounds and provides an improved
(non-orthogonal linear) basis for signal representation. Signal and
spectrogram decomposition into ICA basis and ICA coefficients are described.
Recurrence analysis is presented for detection of repeating patterns in
musical signals. Phase coupling effects are described in the context of
analysis of harmonic signal analysis and characterization of musical
instruments.. [See full description: Word, PDF]