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3rd International Conference on
Music Information Retrieval
IRCAM – Centre
Paris, France
October 13-17, 2002
following ½-day panels will be held on the morning of Thursday, 17 October
2002. Attendance is free to ISMIR attendees, but there is a limited number of
seats available.
Panel I: Music Information Retrieval Evaluation Frameworks.
Moderator: J. Stephen Downie
At ISMIR 2000, symposium organizers presented attendees with the
challenge to begin thinking about what a formal framework for meaningful MIR
evaluation might look like. At ISMIR 2001, an informal session to discuss the
creation of standardized MIR test collections, tasks and evaluation metrics
was convened that resulted in two important outcomes. First, it led to the
adoption of a formal resolution expressing the pressing need to establish a
MIR evaluation framework that could be used by all in the multidisciplinary
and multinational MIR research community. This resolution now bears the
signatures of 80+ researchers and interested parties and faithfully
represents the breadth of MIR’s contributing disciplines and nationalities (http://music-ir.org/mirbib2/resolution).
Second, it led directly to the upcoming Workshop on the Creation of Standardized Test Collections, Tasks, and
Metrics for Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Music Digital Library (MDL)
Evaluation at the Second Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
(JCDL 2002) to be held in July 2002 (http://www.ohsu.edu/jcdl/).
This ISMIR 2002 panel on MIR Evaluation Frameworks will build upon and extend
the findings of the JCDL workshop. I hope to have this panel session lead to
the development of prototype collections, tasks, and metrics that could be
unveiled at ISMIR 2003. [See full description: Word, PDF]
Panel II: The
OMRAS approach to music information retrieval in the real world
Moderator: Tim Crawford
Music information retrieval is truly a new discipline, in that it
is only recently—especially through the ISMIR conferences—that
representatives from most of the interested communities of MIR have been able
to meet, discuss techniques and common problems and begin to plan a united
strategy. The joint US/UK award in 1999 of three years of research funding to
the OMRAS project (www.omras.org) was a direct catalyst of the ISMIR
conferences: the first ISMIR was organized largely by OMRAS staff, and the
series would have been unlikely to receive the generous support of the U.S.
National Science Foundation without the existence of OMRAS.
This panel will seek to show how the very diverse group of OMRAS
researchers have been able to combine their various insights and talents in a
complex project which draws on several distinct academic disciplines. We also
hope to give the first full, public demonstration of an integrated OMRAS MIR
system, from polyphonic audio query to score-notation result-display, at the
panel session. [See full description: Word, PDF]
Panel III: Similarity
in Music. Moderator:
Ludger Hofmann-Engl
This panel will bring together researchers from a variety of
fields in order to discuss the different approaches to an understanding of
musical similarity. This will contribute to a better understanding of the
requirements the future development of search engines and related software
will have to fulfil. The invited speakers (subject to confirmation) on the
panel will be:
Simha Arom, ethnomusicologist,
Irène Deliège, director of the
Unité de Recherche en Psychologie de la Musique, Université of Liège, Belgium
and editor, Musicae Scientiae, The Journal of the European Society for the
Cognitive Sciences of Music
Jonathan Dunsby, Professor
of Music, Reading University, UK
Eric Isaacson, Associate
Professor of Music Theory, Indiana University, USA
François Pachet, Sony Computer
Science Laboratory, Paris
Eleanor Selfridge-Field,
Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities, Stanford University,
Geraint Wiggins, senior lecturer, Department of Computing in City
University's School of Informatics, UK
[See full description: Word, PDF]