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3rd International Conference on
Music Information Retrieval
IRCAM – Centre Pompidou
Paris, France
October 13-17, 2002
ISMIR 2003 will
be held October 26-30, 2003. ISMIR 2003 will be co-hosted by the
Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., and Johns Hopkins University in
Baltimore, Maryland. The majority of the sessions will take place in
Baltimore, with events to be held at the Library of Congress as well. It will be co-chaired by Sue Manus (LoC) and Sayeed Choudhury
annual ISMIR Conference is the first established international forum for
those involved in the tremendous growth of music-related contents available
digitally, locally or remotely, through networks.
area presents vast challenges for those who need to organize and structure,
provide tools to search and retrieve, and use them efficiently: music
representation, when it exists, is multi-dimensional and time-dependent;
audio instantiations are voluminous objects requiring particular care for
storage and transmission while preserving quality; descriptive information
about what is musically significant addresses a large spectrum of internal
and external characteristics, from acoustic to musicological ones; intellectual
property rights about what can be made available and how are complex, involve
a variety of individuals and organizations, and vary from country to country.
of these concerns are of interest to education, academia, entertainment and
industry. This conference thus aims at providing a place for the exchange of
news, issues and results, by bringing together researchers and developers,
educators and librarians, students and professional users, working in fields
that may contribute significantly to this multidisciplinary
domain, by presenting original theoretical or practical work in
peer-reviewed contributions (papers, posters/short papers), serve as a discussion forum (panels), provide in-depth information in specific
domains (tutorials) and show current products
us for ISMIR 2002 – an intensive and lively conference on Music Information
Retrieval (Music IR)! ISMIR 2002 builds upon the very successful ISMIR 2000 and ISMIR 2001 meetings. It will take place at
IRCAM – the French research institute in music and acoustics, which is
associated to the Centre Pompidou, the French national center for arts and
culture – in conjunction with Resonances
2002, the International Convention on Technologies for Music.
Further information can be
found in the following sections (see menu on the left):
program: for the Keynote speakers, papers, special session, panels,
venue: for accommodations, travel and local information.
We have reached full capacity, so registration is closed, all
people filling the registration form are put on hold.